Occasionally, due to overwhelming demand, some of our highly sought-after items may temporarily go out of stock. But don't worry! Our dedicated team is continuously working to swiftly replenish the inventory and make these items available for you again.
To see the list of products that are currently out of stock, please check this article here.
How to view out of stock products
Find Products page:
Product Details page:
My Products page:
What to do if a product is out of stock
If you have the item listed in your store and do not have any inventory at Blanka:
Mark the item as Out Of Stock.
Keep an eye out for our re-stock email before switching it back on.
If you have inventory stored for the item at Blanka:
Check the 'My Products' page to see how much stock you have for this SKU.
Feel free to keep the item listed on your store till you run out of quantity (or get low).
Once you run out of stock, mark the items as Sold Out.