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How do I change or connect a different store?
How do I change or connect a different store?

Learn how to change your connected store

John Eloriaga avatar
Written by John Eloriaga
Updated over a month ago

Our Merchant Success team can remove your existing connected store.

Here are the steps to updating your connected store:

  • Log in to your Blanka account and send us a message using the chat option

  • Let us know the email account/store that you wish to get the connected store removed.

  • Unpublish any published product from your 'My Products' page.

  • Once unpublish is done, send a confirmation to our team to proceed with disconnecting the connected store.

  • After the connected store is removed by our team from the backend, you should then be able to connect a new/different store.

Please note that you can only connect a store that we have direct integration with (Shopify, Wix, WooCommerce).

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